UniLight video -

Law of Give & Take explained


Lessons that can help you understand the information better

I've made the deep dive for those individuals who want to understand the Law of Give & Take better and those who just prefer learning from video form. 

During it, I will go through the concepts of the book, help you understand, and share more of my lessons with them.

It is an extension of the book but at the same time, it can be a different way to get started with the information for those who prefer this type of learning.


What is the series about?

  • Understand better the background story on how it all happened.
  • The movie takes you on a journey to explore along with me key concepts from the book like Resistance / Acceptance and Law of Give & Take.
  • Includes lessons on manifesting your reality, karma, the importance of action, and many more

Free part


Full series structure

The Series is divided into chapters each giving insights on different parts of the concepts. 

Note that chapters VIII - X are only part of the 3rd supporter plan and chapters XI - XIII are only part of the 4th plan and higher.


Chapter I - Prologue (7:11)

Chapter II - Resistance (8:07)

Chapter III - Focus on the positive (7:45)

Chapter IV - Law of Give & Take, Introduction (2:32)

Chapter V - Law of Give & Take, Core working (5:43)

Chapter VI - Law of Give & Take, Drastic manifestations (17:02)

Chapter VII - Law of Give & Take, Opportunity (9:08)

Chapter VIII - Law of Give & Take, Perfect Harmony (7:45)

Chapter IX - Law of Give & Take, Karma (16:17)

Chapter X - Law of Give & Take, Pattern Manifestations (6:35)

Chapter XI - Law of Give & Take, Focus on Giving (3:10)

Chapter XII - Law of Give & Take, State of being manifestation (7:45)

Chapter XIII - Acceptance, Introduction (5:43)

Ending (2:26)

How to watch

The only way to watch the full version currently is to become a supporter of the project.

If you seek free material I encourage you to go to my Youtube channel and explore it.